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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spinach in the Teeth of the Uninitiated

I recently followed a twitter link to an excellent article posted by a deservedly popular communications and PR firm. Critical of an error-laden cover letter submitted by a fresh-faced college student (name and school concealed, of course), the post was an illustrative and cautionary guideline on how not to submit a cover letter. Before ripping into the letter with equal amounts of humour, sarcasm, and counsel, the writer kindly advises the student - hoping, of course, the student reads the article - to 'take our comments to heart'. Pity for the poor soul was asked of the readers; everyone (except, perhaps, Donald Trump) can recall their own embarrassing experiences and baby-step mistakes. For me, this situation resonated strongly given a similar experience a few weeks earlier.

During a recent marketing contract, I was prospected by a nice young woman selling the services of a social shopping network. I was very clear about our present marketing plans (her type of coupon offered little ROI, and was therefore not under consideration), yet I afforded her the opportunity to explain her offer. Afterwards, I said I'd be pleased to review her media kit and would call her if I have any questions. It was clear from her shaky delivery that she was very new. Her greenness and unfamiliarity with the dynamics of prospecting and follow up became clear the next morning when, after reviewing 2 phone messages from her, I also received this email:

Hi Marketing Director, 

It was a pleasure talking to you on the phone today and I hope that I sparked your interest in The Social Media Shopping Network (name changed to protect the innocent). We would really love to have the opportunity to be partners and to work together with you. I strongly believe that The Social Media Shopping Network would be the perfect match for your business. 

As I stated over the phone, The Social Media Shopping Network is the largest Canadian based company in this industry. We really value finding quality businesses to feature on our website that has a subscriber base of over 25,000. We only charge a 30% commission, compared to US companies such as Groupon and Living Social that charge 50%.

As requested, I have attached a PDF that goes over what The Social Media Shopping Network is all about. Let me know if you have any questions. I would love to meet with you if you would like to discuss further.


        Florence (anothename changed to protect the innocent)
        BBA, Faculty of Business Administration
        A Local University

Her contact information indicated she was still a university student, likely working towards her MBA. I could either ignore this generic and terribly unprofessional attempt at relationship building or do something more constructive. Later over lunch, I decided to let her know my thoughts in the hope that it may assist her in her career goals. I knew it was presumptuous - risky, even - but figured 'what the hell'. If someone smiles and has spinach in their teeth, I tell them. It will save them much embarrassment later and it's also good karma. Here was my reply: 

Hello Florence,

Thank you for the email and the media package. It is greatly appreciated.

I received your voice messages this morning. As discussed yesterday, our marketing plans and attendant spend are in place; for the present time, we will not be signing on with The Social Media Shopping Network. I believe I also indicated that after reviewing your material (I have just received it and thus have not yet had an opportunity), I will follow up should I have any questions.

I see you are a student in the Business Faculty at ALU. From all accounts, theirs is an excellent
 program and I wish you much success in your academic achievements.

During my sales career, I have enjoyed many successful years as an Account Manager, Sales Manager, and Director of Sales and Marketing. Notwithstanding my applied experience, I appreciate that I am not an accredited instructor; nevertheless, I wish make a couple of recommendations that may
 assist your professional sales endeavours. Please forgive my presumption and allow me to share these thoughts:

1) Regarding email: My name is Michael and my title is Marketing Manager, not
 Marketing Director. When contacting a prospect, it is 
imperative you get this information correct. It shows you value their time, have done your homework, and are listening. Sales is not simply about targets, numbers, and faceless clients; sales
 professionals must create meaningful relationships based upon customer service 
excellence and respect. It must never be about a quick sale. Otherwise, you may risk being stereotyped as a 'typical sales person'. I know from our discussion this is not your objective; others, however, may not.

2) Never send a formulaic email or letter. Instead, customize your email to the prospective customer, i.e. 'We would really love to have the opportunity to be partner with XYZ Industries'. This indicates you have taken time to 
tailor your communication to your prospect. It will be appreciated, not ignored.

 (Or pinned on the wall of a PR agency!)

3) I am aware of the rates for Groupon and Living Social, having been prospected by them as well. I appreciate that your organization charges less; I would, however, refrain from calling out your competitors by name unless requested by your prospect for comparison. Start by simply identifying your rates "as much more competitive than others in our industry". I have found it beneficial to treat competitors as colleagues, not competition. Who knows? You may work for them someday.

4) And finally, regarding 'Follow Up: Your diligence is commendable. However, we spoke late yesterday, you have
 emailed me, and then left me another message this morning. Follow up is
 critical but please remember to allow your prospects a bit of breathing space. It takes time to review and consider an offer or service. Enquire as to an appropriate time to follow-up. Always place yourself in the
 shoes of the prospect. 

Thank you for the opportunity to share these thoughts, Florence. Please believe me: I would not have 
taken the time from my schedule today to craft this email if I sincerely did 
not wish to assist you.

Once again, thank you for your email and for your information package.

 I wish you all the best in your career endeavours. 

Kind regards,


Florence emailed me the next day. Was she mad? Hurt? Assail me with gruesome threats? On the contrary. Her reply was sweet and sincere:

Hi Micheal,

Thank you for taking the time and effort to point these things out to me. This is actually my very first job in sales and I haven't really had proper training; therefore this information was very valuable and opened up my eyes to a lot of things. I'm still trying to figure out how to best do my job and how to create meaning partnerships with people. Everything at this point is a learning process to me and I really do appreciate the time you took to help me because I know that it will help me in my future endeavors. I will always keep in mind the things that you have mentioned and I know that your words of wisdom will help me grow into a better salesperson. I wish you all the best Micheal! Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

Thank you,

She may have misspelled my name but she articulated herself excellently, ending with a perfect smile. 

1 comment:

  1. Micheal (kidding!) Michael;

    Maybe you should consider a career as a S&M instructor. Back to basics, as your letter implies.

    Isn't it interesting how much more impact Florence's words have when she wrote from the heart? An excellent reminder to all of us.
