Thursday, August 26, 2010
Dave Brubeck: Humble Giant
Monday, May 31, 2010
What Marketers, Musicians, Artists, Salespersons…OK, damn near everyone can learn from Rush
Monday, May 10, 2010
Want ads left wanting
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Swag: Cereal Box Toys for Colleagues, or, The Offering of Meaningful Engaging, and Ultimately Useful Branded Materials
When I was little, I would excavate the Shreddies box seeking hidden treasure. The rubber band-powered racing car was my favourite as it required assembly and actually worked well. Though inexpensive and small, it had the desired effect: to the intended audience, it was meaningful, engaging and useful. All these years later and I still remember the brand and the toy. Well done, Nabisco.
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Passionate Investor
At a recent networking function, I had the pleasure of reconnecting with a colleague from the special events industry. I do not know him well although I do know that his small company is very passionate about their work and their clients. His is a caring attitude, one not focused solely on making a quick buck (but still remaining profitable) as it is on investing in the client and guest experience.
At the networking event my colleague was both sponsor and volunteer, and was, of course, running about ensuring all requisite pieces were in place. I noticed that he managed to take precious time to greet everyone that knew him - and there were plenty. Later, he remarked to me that he has enjoyed the best year, ever: business is great, more clients are knocking, and many proposals have been awarded to his firm in spite of their going head to head with “the big boys”. He seemed very surprised by this last detail but it made perfect sense to me. After all, he treats people with respect, volunteers his time for noble causes and functions, and rolls up his sleeves to get the job done correctly. While determined, he is not at all an “aggressive sales guy”. Obviously, he derives much enjoyment from his business pursuits. So while he seemed taken aback by his recent successes, I wasn’t the least bit surprised.
We read a lot these days about getting back to basics when dealing with friends, clients and colleagues. Why treat others any differently that we would expect? Certainly, the instantaneous channels of communication we now enjoy can fortify or ruin a reputation in a second. This must not be the motivation behind treating people well or taking on a project, however. Success will come from a combination of hard work and humanistic values, from knowing what it is that you do well and how that will assist others.
Believing - and investing - in the adoption and practice of respectful, collaborative, and humanistic attitudes comes with a price. I know - I’ve paid for it on occasion. That's fine by me. As my colleague proved the other evening, the initial price yields huge dividends.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Accounting 101 - Customer Service
Last week I had a meeting with my accountant. Now, I’m no big ticket client, however there were a few items requiring discussion that would have been almost impossible to clarify via email. Besides, my accountant prefers personal meetings with clients, especially because they occur annually and this gives her a chance to catch up.
After dispensing with the financial stuff, we turned to my career, which is in transition. Our chat was really enjoyable and refreshing, not at all what I had expected. We discussed a previous position of mine (in print advertising), one that I recall fondly. Noting my years of experience in sales and marketing, she wanted my opinion. As a client of a local B2B publication, my accountant was treated poorly. The rep never made an introductory (or follow up) sales call to the office, for example, and all communication was done via email. There was no follow up call when the campaign was over (except by email to ask for a renewed contract!) and, when my accountant called about a mistake, neither the rep nor the sales manager called back. She was ignored by both her ad rep and sales manager who, it would appear, were interested only in ad revenue and not in the providing of excellent client service and value. Understandably, she cancelled all further advertising. While I had no part in the situation, I felt terrible. As a Marketing Director and an Account Manager, I have sat on both sides of the desk and I really can appreciate her frustration. And so I took over as ad rep.
I explained many things to her, including the concept that advertising is not all about an immediate ROI, i.e. a flood of calls that convert overnight into clients (if only it were that easy!); advertising is more about creating a recognizable profile over a period of time. In the case of print media, a regular campaign builds confidence and recognition so that when the time comes to find that new accountant, for example, your prospective client will think about ‘that company’, the one whose ad has appeared weekly/monthly etc. I know: pretty basic stuff. My accountant then remarked that she wished someone had taken the time to explain this to her as she really never considered any of this before. I was astonished! This is basic information to me but critical information to her - information that should have been part of a personal, direct client meeting.
My accountant appreciates the complexities of advertising and marketing better than she realizes: after all, she has an excellent understanding of client relationships. In the middle of tax season, she took time from a very busy schedule to engage in a friendly conversation with me. She will continue to get my business and the future loyalty of any others I know that may require her excellent services. As for the B2B publication that lost her business? Let the ad rep email to her heart's content. She’ll never benefit from the loyalty earned through a personal conversation or meeting.
Sometimes, there really are a few items requiring discussion that are impossible to clarify via email.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Democracy Lessons From Home
Recently, a band in which I play drums entered into one of those disagreements that must never happen via email (apparently, we are deaf to both high frequencies and good advice). Ignited by something minimal, it was in reality caused by things left unspoken and underlying, a refusal to address much larger issues that lay (somewhat) dormant. This may have a familiar ring.
The dynamics of playing in a close-knit musical group are similar to those often experienced in a romantic, two-person relationship. Naturally, there are countless differences as well; however, when dealing with the personalities of 3, 4 or even 23 members (The Polyphonic Spree, anyone), the complexities are often more pronounced. Our brick wall of personal opinion appeared while deciding upon which songs to include on an upcoming record. Three members wanted to vote one song off the record, while one member felt strongly about its inclusion. Put to a vote it was, of course, 3-1. But was this fair? Is voting the only democratic way to solve a difference of opinions?
Relying upon the political (majority) voting model, we assumed a show of hands was the only democratic way to solve our impasse. After some reflection and taking a cue from our respective marriages, we realized that our relationships at home often rely upon consensus to surmount important issues. After all, with two persons holding conflicting views voting is not much use (besides, doghouses aren't particularly comfortable).
So…that was it! No need to be unyielding holdfasts, we only needed to thoughtfully consider all opinions then decide our course. Just like at home. Best of all, this transcends beautifully the concept of ‘winners and losers’ and allowed all other outstanding concerns to be addressed and dispatched. Seems simple enough and yet so many groups, companies and couples never consider this path. What is especially interesting was that the process we found liberating is actually quite familiar to political and social scientists alike: Consensus Decision Making.
Consensus Decision Making, which can only occur within the context of democracy, is unlike a majority rule system (3 against 1 in our band’s case). The resulting process - called Consensus Democracy - will consider a diverse range of opinions in an effort to reach an agreement that satisfies all parties. We had to reach a consensus through dialogue and listen carefully to our collective and individual rationale, i.e. why the song was so essential for one and yet failed to resonate with the rest of us. I believe that this personal sharing of opinion and motivation is impossible via email. The end result was, in actuality, closer to “Discursive Democracy”, as there was more discussion than hard decision making; some trade-offs were essential to balance the divergent opinions. These trade-offs, which satisfied all parties and were formulated within the context of a collective willingness to find a solution, effectively ended our heated debate amicably. The record is due in June.
A note of caution: Please do attempt this at home.
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Counterproductivity of 'Yes'
Recently, I was speaking with Dr. Joshua Bender, an Organizational Development Specialist based in Los Angeles about the intentionality of 'yes'. Dr. Bender pointed out that in most cases, people like to help and appear committed; many people are just not fond of saying no. But saying yes becomes dangerous and indeed counterproductive to both companies and individuals when too many yes's add up to a point of no return. And that return is the investment your clients and colleagues have in you to get the job done. The one to which you answered, "yes"! The intentionality is terrific and all but always make sure you have the resources, the time and the determination to realize the 'yes' you promised!
And no, 'no' is not the only alternative, although at times it is necessary. When it comes to performing a specific responsibility or the realizing of a specific initiative, frame your yes (or yes's) in realistic terms, ones that you know are achievable without letting your partners down. Set boundaries so that all parties are clear on schedules and objectives. Be collaborative, be helpful, but most of all, be true to your yes. This will ensure your "yes!" will remain music to your colleagues' ears.
Friday, February 26, 2010
The 'No Fun City' Mythology
We arrived at 9:30 just as the nightly laser, light and fireworks show began. We would have been on time, but stopped to watch a great Rockabilly band entertain about 500 people gathered in the middle of Robson Street. There were so many people trying to cross Hornby Street to reach the Vancouver Art Gallery - Robson Square area, the police and traffic control officers were forced to hold the crowds back. While a few impatient folks snuck through while the police were otherwise occupied with traffic, there was no bolting en masse to join the cheering throng. True to our sensible Canadian manners, we all waited until it was deemed safe. Besides, the extra 1/2 block really made no difference since the lasers and fireworks were projected high above the street.
Every night (and day) since the Olympic games began, the massive, exuberant, and in more than a few cases, alcohol-fueled crowds in downtown Vancouver have clearly demonstrated that Vancouver is very capable of offering and embracing large doses of good, clean fun. I saw no fights, I was deafened by enthusiastic cheers, and I was impressed by the collective, tacet understanding that this is Vancouver's moment to shine. We all know it, we all embrace it and best of all, we share it with each other and our city's guests. Sandra and I had a great time. To use a word that until recently was mutually exclusive when combined with 'Vancouver', it was fun! That may come as a surprise to some.
For years, Vancouver had been labeled as a No Fun City. The label, unfortunately, was/is not without some merit. As a musician who has played live in Vancouver for almost two decades, I have witnessed too many great venues being swapped for what is now a plague of generic nightclubs. Vancouver's liquor laws and license restrictions date from prohibition (or perhaps the Spanish Inquisition) and city hall seems very reluctant to change them. Even residents, who knowingly move into neighbourhoods with nightclubs then have the nerve to complain about them, form part of the problem. Then there's the fear of unruly crowds and attendant infantile behaviour, which is certainly not limited to any one city and is usually caused by a select few Neanderthals. This, in combination with the perceived difficulty in getting large groups of people to behave, is utter nonsense. Sure I remember the Stanley Cup riots in 1994; again, slack-jawed bozos ruled Vancouver's streets back then, but poor policing was by far the riot's most combustible constituent. This time around and faced with seemingly insurmountable crowd control issues, the police have been terrific (and, it must be stated, really tolerant considering Vancouver's well known reputation for, um, botany). And in triumphant defiance of the No Fun label, the crowds have been welcoming, full of fervid Canadian pride, and are obviously thrilled to be living in the moment. Vancouver's moment. Canada's moment. The World's moment. Fun, myth-busting times, to be sure.
As evidenced throughout the Olympics, Vancouver has shown the world and perhaps most importantly ourselves that even when we gather by the tens of thousands, we are very capable of well mannered, if not impassioned, behaviour. We can have fun and lots of it. We can gather in huge numbers and celebrate victories as well as losses. We can welcome the world's media, athletes and travellers and show them that, yes, contrary to rumour, you can find endless opportunities for enjoyment in Vancouver. I've heard and even echoed the sentiment that if the citizens of the Lower Mainland, especially Vancouver, are to build upon our reputation as a world-class destination, we will need to adopt the civic mindset of cities like New York, Prague, Copenhagen or San Francisco. Given the wonderful and truly unforgettable experience that Vancouver 2010 has provided thus far, I say: mission accomplished. Let the games continue.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Share the Podium
Having covered the British press' misinterpretation of OTP in my last blog, I do not wish to beat this story to death. Yet how can we expect other nations to refrain from such poorly considered outbursts when our own Olympic Committee are even more inconsiderate. Their negativity about OTP and therefore the performance of Canadian athletes at these Olympic Games is a PR nightmare. It seems the Communications and Public Affairs staff at the Canadian Olympic Committee forgot to fully apprise CEO Chris Rudge about OTP, the true meaning of sportsmanship, and, perhaps most of all, discretion. Imagine being a Canadian athlete and reading this: "There's going to be a lot of questions asked about Own The Podium," Rudge acknowledged. "We will eviscerate this program in every detail when we're finished. It's painful to go into the autopsy while the patient is still alive and kicking."
Eviscerate? Autopsy? Canada had never won a gold medal on home soil prior to February 12, 2010. Our athletes have now won 6. Canada won 7 medals in Calgary back in 1988. Canadian athletes have won 11, and there are plenty of events to come. By Rudge's estimation, this is tantamount to catastrophic failure. With 10 times the population of Canada, I would expect the USA to win at least 30 or 35 medals. Good for them! Same for Germany, Russia, Norway etc. These countries have always placed a premium on 'amateur ' athleticism and results; they have much larger populations and more available funding. And for once Canada has likewise stepped up in support of our athletes with the OTP program. Unfortunately, OTP was misinterpreted (by those who, I suspect, embrace nationalistic hype) as blindly patriotic, the type of tiresome bravado that makes most Canadians cringe. And so OTP became a lighting rod for insults and abuse.
Canadians and their athletes now have earned gold on home terrain and compete at a much higher level. That was the point of OTP. Losing medals to other great Olympians is not embarrassing - it is simply a part of competition on the world's stage. And now Olympians from around the world know that they can just as easily place second to a Canadian. The fulfilled promise of OTP to our athletes should be obvious to all of us. A pity Rudge missed the real meaning of this excellent, if not poorly named, initiative; as CEO of the COC, his comments have, I believe, insulted our athletes, done damage to their golden reputation, and tarnished the glory that OTP has delivered to all Canadian fans of Olympic competition.
Share the Podium would have been a better name, imo...and much more Canadian in spirit.
Monday, February 15, 2010
U.K. press slams Canada's hosting of Games
At face value, getting worked into a lather by this scurrilous reporting is perhaps akin to getting choked at The National Enquirer for spreading inaccurate tales of tawdry celebrity activity. But this is much more serious stuff. A man died under terrible circumstances that by many accounts were preventable; whether due to human error or flaws in design, it matters little to his family who watched it live and the millions of us who are still haunted and brokenhearted by the images we saw. And yet, Canada, The Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, VANOC, and presumably all of us who support the Games are somehow held responsible for a truly awful moment in what is supposed to be - and, in reality, very much is - a wonderful experience.
This quote alone should provide the reader with the tone of the articles:
“Canada wanted to Own The Podium at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games. This morning they can put their Maple Leaf stamp on something more instantly tangible: the nondescript little box carrying the lifeless body of Nodar Kumaritashvili back to his home in Bakuriani, Georgia,” wrote Martin Samuel of the Daily Mail. “Made in Canada, it should say. Made by the perversion of the Olympic movement for national gain; made by a culture of worthless aggrandizement and pride.”
Aggrandizement? Are they serious? Talk about aggrandizement. Evidently, they did not hear the cracking, emotion-wracked voices of John Furlong and Jacques Rogge when they altered their Opening Ceremony address to reflect on Nodar's death. They likewise ignored the ovation given to Nodar's teammates from Georgia as they entered BC Place Stadium, as well as the deafening and heartbreaking silence of the over 100,000 participants when they stood for a minute's reflection.
My wife and I are but 2 examples of the millions of Canadians (and Americans, Germans, Dutch, Czechs etc.) who are devastated by Nodar's death. I am certain I can speak on behalf of my fellow Canadians when I say this tragedy has affected us all immensely. No matter how many medals our athletes may win, no matter how successful our Own The Podium initiative, in truth a determined, for-once-in-our-history attempt to aim higher than ever before (is that a crime?), all events and outcomes will be viewed through the prism of Nodar's final run down the luge track. Yeah, us Canadians are a callous, shallow bunch.

Friday, February 12, 2010
The Agony of Defeat, the Thrill of Collaboration