Who is this bald guy with glasses?
Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, I moved to Vancouver in 1993. I have been fortunate to see many of the world's great cities and believe Vancouver to be among the most beautiful. I like Vancouver and all it has to offer (and the list is extensive - see Links), especially the ability to ride my road bike all year. Yet I remain a Prairie guy at heart. No, I have never owned a pick-up (practical as they are), and my cowboy boots were only worn ironically and never during Stampede Week. I am married to Sandra, a beautiful girl from Regina, Saskatchewan. We were for many years willing slaves to our deaf cat, Tommy. We miss him terribly.
I love to travel. Visiting other countries, meeting new people and experiencing different cultures are essential ingredients for life's feast. My travel highlights include Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Fiji, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Nepal, The Netherlands, and Slovakia; all have provided many wonderful experiences and adventures. New York City is the capital of my world.
I received a real drum set on my tenth birthday having smashed to bits a toy set presented 12 months earlier. I have been bashing away ever since, and performing with original-music bands since I was 17. I divine inspiration from almost every style of music, from Beethoven to The Who, from Johnny Cash to Balkan Beat Box, from The Sex Pistols to Thelonius Monk, from Devo to Rush, from XTC to LCD Soundsystem, Sparks to Foo Fighters.
So, then: I am a drummer who has for many years also embraced the world of marketing, sales, communications, and above all, the fostering of collaborative client and colleague relationships. In other words, I took literally the advice of those who lovingly admonished, "don't quit your day job". Funny, I actually believed them when they said they liked my music.